Accidentally I got this song when I asked some students to help me to find a traditional song, commonly known as ":tembang" to be performed at the Youth Exchange Program selection that I joined last year. One of the student said that her mom was practicing a song with the neighbors to be performed at the neighborhood's kindergarten graduation. They live in village of Kalijaran, District of Sambikerep, Surabaya. The song tells about the city. I asked the student to record her mom's voice and with her permission I made the song for public. I try to make my own video with the song as the background music. The pictures were taken from many sources which depicts the city, Surabaya.
Suroboyo kotane, jawa Timur tlatahe
katlah dadi kutho pahlawan.
Suro wani boyo pakewuh cetane
Dadi pawitan revolusi bangsane
10 November 45 ciloku dur angkoro
digempur lebur luluh
Prayoto agung kaprawirane
Pemudo kesiderane arek Suroboyo
Suro wani bayu pakewuh cetane
Dadi pawitan revolusi bangsane
Singosari Mojopahit nyoto agung
Pangecap dadyo palupi ing ngaluhur
Mbotoh rubuh surake tur gemuruh swarane
Pembarisan pahlawan Suroboyo